Central Intelligence (DVD)
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$50,000,000 (estimated)
Condition | New |
Actor | David Stassen, Ed Helms, Ike Barinholtz, Michael Disco, Michael Fottrell, Paul Young, Peter Principato, Rawson Marshall Thurber, Samuel J. Brown, Scott Stuber |
Publisher | Warnerbrothers |
Published Date | 2017-10-03 |
Rating MPA | Pg-13 |
Recording Studio | Warnerbrothers |
Format | DVD |
Brand | Warner Brothers |
Age Group | Adult |
Amazon ASIN | B073BZ6ZPW |
UPC / EAN | 883929602735 |
Model | central-intelligence |
Year | 2016 |
ReleaseDate | 2016-06-17 |
RuntimeMins | 107 |
RuntimeStr | 1h 47min |
Awards | Awards, 2 wins & 8 nominations |
Directors | Rawson Marshall Thurber |
Writers | Ike Barinholtz, David Stassen, Rawson Marshall Thurber |
Stars | Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Danielle Nicolet |
Produced by | Beau Bauman, Richard Brener, Samuel J. Brown, Michael Disco, Toby Emmerich, Michael Fottrell, Hiram Garcia, Ed Helms, Adam McCarthy, Steven Mnuchin, Peter Principato, Scott Stuber, Paul Young |
Music by | Ludwig Göransson, Theodore Shapiro |
Cinematography by | Barry Peterson |
Film Editing by | Brian Scott Olds, Michael L. Sale |
Casting By | Lisa Beach, Sarah Katzman |
Production Design by | Stephen J. Lineweaver |
Art Direction by | Parker Beck, Rachel Block, Bryan Felty |
Set Decoration by | Leslie E. Rollins |
Costume Design by | Carol Ramsey, Rebecca Todd |
Makeup Department | Merc Arceneaux, Frank Barbosa, Stephen Bruno, Elizabeth Cecchini, John Clausell, Char Coats-Crump, Juliet Loveland, James MacKinnon, Joanna Raskin, Rachel Solow, Rebecca Woodfork, Gary Archer, Rob Fitz, Jennifer Traub |
Production Management | Allison Furgal |
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director | Kenneth Donaldson, Joel Kramer, Katharine McManus, Dana Nelson, Paul Schneider, Jeffrey Wetzel, Paul Schneider |
Art Department | Tobias Aldrich, Christopher Analoro, Beth Anderson, Bobby Anderson, Graves Bates, Nick Bellofatto, Megan Blake, Steven Blaney, Steve Brennan, Brian Buckley, Rachel Burgio, Mickey Carter, Frank G. Cavarretta, Jonathan Champoux, Doug Cluff, Christopher Conroy, Gregory J. Corcoran, William Costello, Debbie Cutler, Michael Dias, Tom Diorio, Bob Flannery, Brian Fry, Stephen Gavin, Kel Genovese, Jared Patrick Gerbig, David Gulick, Grace Gulick, W.D. Hogan, James D. Hurd, Ryan Johnson, Jason Joubert, Wayne Kimball, Jenelle Kinney, Morgan Kling, Michael Krause, Lance Littlefield, Kendra Long, Nathan Longest, Jim Magdaleno, Mike Maher, Masako Masuda, Cameron Matheson, Butch McCarthy, Petra Mcelvenny, Travis Moonschein, Isaac Nadreau, Theo Orfanos, Jeremy M. Pereira, Andrew Poleszak, Eugene Pope, Sam Rashba, Anthony Raymond, Leslie Risak, Adam Roffman, Christopher Sawtelle, Patrick Scalise, Heath L. Sewell, Tyris Smith, Lauren Ashly Suchecki, Theodore Suchecki, Chris Sullivan, Cammeron Truesdale, Robert A. Valley, Zachary Zablocki, Charlotte Lee, Michael Sabo, Natalie Taylor Smith |
Sound Department | George H. Anderson, Ryan Baker, Gregg Barbanell, Curt Cash, Anne Couk, Greg Crawford, Tammy Fearing, Alison Fisher, Marc Glassman, Phil Hadaway, Catherine Harper, Susan Kurtz, Sebastien Lacheray, Lisa J. Levine, Darrin Mann, Cindy Marty, Kevin O Connell, Jason Oliver, Tom Ozanich, Darren Polish, Joel Reidy, Seva Solntsev, Unsun Song, Cameron Steenhagen, Cherie Tamai, Tom Williams, Chris Giles, Colt Logan |
Special Effects by | Craig Tex Barnett, Judson Bell, Adam Bellao, Robert Caban, Wes Campbell, Lou Carlucci, Leslie Coogan, Herve Desroches, Jeremy Dominick, Morgan Guynes, Mark Hawker, Chelsea Jenney, Ken Mieding, M Quinn, Diana Roche, John Ruggieri, Christopher Walsh, Ralph Wilber III |
Visual Effects by | Shaun Friedberg Pyrokinesis , Hussam Alazhar, Oleg Alexander, David Aughenbaugh, Cheryl Bainum, Robert Baldwin, Guillaume Baratte, Marie-Pier Barrette, Jessica Bascom, Scott E. Baxter, Bryn Bayliss, Owens Bazile, Alexis Belanger, Jennifer C. Bell, Brad Betschart, Pierre Blain, Vincent Blanco, Brandon Blevins, David Bobichon, Robert Bock, Florin Boieriu, Nick Booth, Antoine Bordeleau, Rachel Bouchard, Marie-Philippe Boudreau, Sara Bourque, Adam Bradley, Lee Bramwell, Kristen Branan, Kristie Breslin, Ryan Brooks, Adrian Brown, Lee Brunet, Jeremy Burns, Lorie Bussières, Miguel Carballal, Nicholas Cerniglia, Carly Cerquone, Karina Cesta, Christophe Chabot-Blanchet, Tristan Charette, Tadeusz Chmiel, Gabrielle Chouinard, Eric D. Christensen, Jasper Chung, Francis Clément, Marie-Joëlle Clément, Catherine Coley, Juliette Compignie, David Conley, Tara Conley, André-Pierre Cormier, Craig Crawford, Donna Cullen, Matt Cunningham, Roberto D Alesio, Hua Dai, Dominic Daigle, Jamie Darville, Shad Davis, Anouk Deveault-Moreau, Julianne Dome, Julien Dubuisson, Samuel Durocher, Matt Eaton, Areito Echevarria, Jennifer Elena, Luca Fascione, Chloe Feodoroff, Lauren Fernandez-Morrell, James Fouche, Ludovic Fouche, Jérôme Foucout, Xavier Fourmond, Elliot Francoeur, Guillaume François, Alan Fregtman, Vincent Frei, Mathias Frodin, Marie Fétiveau, Carl Gagnon, Gabriele Gennaro, Roxanne Geoffroy, Chris J. Gerrard, Gabriel Giguère, Robert Giles III, Jen Gillespie, Kenneth Gimpelson, Ève Giordani, Sébastien Giroux, Cyrille Gohier, Charlotte Gray, Vanessa Gray, Jay Grunfeld, Jonathan Grégoire, Christophe Guertin, Thomas Hallé, Adam Harriman, Quentin Hema, Martin Hill, Jessica Hong, Courtney Hooper, Robert Hubbard, Sébastien Jacob, Samuel Jacques, Jean-Sebastien Jasenovic, Gios Johnston, Chris John Jones, Danny Jones, Malgorzata Kaca, Matthew Kapfhammer, Stéphane Keller, Kevin Kelm, Don Kemmer, Seth Kenlon, Ara Khanikian, Diana Kim, Laura Kwan, Melanie La Rue, Charles Labbé, Jonathan Laborde, Eric Labranche, Fabrice Lagayette, Kosta Lagis, Isabelle Langlois, Louis-Charles Lapointe, Francis Larouche, Lopez Laura, Rachel Laurenson, Dixie Legare-Collins, Jesse Lehrman, Nicolas Lemay, Marc-Antoine Lemerise, Mark Leone, Olivier Lesaint, Jacques Levesque, Sébastien Levrard, Edy Susanto Lim, Jolanie Lincourt, Martin Lipmann, Siobhan Lo, Aaron Lucas, Joaquin Ludewig, Tony Lupoi, Rob MacBride, Stephane Mailet, Catherine Maillette, Jean-Philippe Marchand, Lidia Martinez Prado, Rob Mason, Richard Matthews, Amaury Matu, Robert McDougall, Kelvin McIlwain, Bradleigh McKay, David McKay, Rick McMahon, Juan Melgoza, Simon Mercier, Steve Mihaylov, David Monfette, Samuel Montminy-Brodeur, Sonia Moreau, Sébastien Moreau, Jean-Christophe Morin, Stephen Morton, Melanie Murray, Naren Naidoo, Amber Marie Naveira, Karen M. Nichols, Valérie Nicol, Piper Odegard, Chloé Ostiguy, Emiliano Padovani, Filippo Paganoni, Béatrice Palin, Maxime Pearson, Martin Pelletier, Keven Perreault, Mathieu Phaneuf, Domi Piturro, Éric Pouliot, Anne-Isabelle Pronkin, Fernando Raigoza Jr., Gladys Ramelot, Troy Ramsey, Paul Redican, Jean Remond, Mark Richardson, Jordi Riera, Pascal Rigaud, Stéphane Rioux, Grant Roa, Tom Rubendall, Rosi Ruiz, Lucita Rule, Rene Sekula, Janet Sharpe, David Short, Natalie Smith, Philippe Soeiro, Jordan Soles, Aurélie Somet, Eddie Soria, Laurent Spillemaecker, Jeremy St-Amant, Kelly Swenson, Simon J. Taua i, Sandy Taylor, Jamie Telfer, Eteuati Tema, Chris Templeman, Radley Teruel, Michael Thingnes, Kar Hung Tom, Carine Touraille, Charles Tremblay, Jocelyn Tremblay, Marjolaine Tremblay, Myriam Tremblay, Alexandre Vachon, Pierre-Hugues Vachon, Felix Vallieres, Matthieu Veillette, Adrian Vercoe, Nicholas Verschelde, Eric Vidal, Fabrice Vienne, Sophie Vigne, Marie Vignola, Angelo White, Kevin Whitfield, Adam Wierzchowski, Christal Wolgamott, David B. Wolgemuth II, Teddy Wong, Beck Woolhouse, Andy Wright, Hui-wen Wu, Sunny Ye, Alice Collins, Sean Cushing, Philip Fraschetti, Hanna Marijke Hurndell, Stephen Lawes, Matt Mueller, Jorge Schwarzhaupt |
Stunts | Sala Baker, Bryce Biederman, Scott Burik, Bryce Burke, Chris Cenatiempo, George B. Colucci Jr., William Cote, Calvin Dean, Zoli Dora, Troy Edwards, Peter Epstein, Charlie Estepp, Mark Fichera, Jack Field, Jim Ford, Shane Geraghty, Leigha Hancock, Myles Humphus, Zoltán Hódi, Stephen Izzi, Todd Ryan Jones, Aaron Joshua, Joel Michael Kramer, Tim Lajcik, Luke Lesko, Jalil Jay Lynch, Alexa Marcigliano, Paul Marini, Jason Mello, Anthony Molinari, Jim Ng, Victor Paguia, Samuel J. Paul, Christopher Place, Thomas Place, Allan Poppleton, Jodi Michelle Pynn, Drew Reade, Tanoai Reed, J.C. Robaina, Vincent Roxburgh, Tracey Ruggiero, Rich Rutherford, Chris Shaw, Ryan Shibley, Robbie P Smith, Turner Smith, Erika Takacs, Evan Dane Taylor, Aaron Vexler, Caroline Vexler, Anthony Vincent, Mark Wickham, Adam Wood, Keil Oakley Zepernick, Mel Alejandro, Scott Burik, Bryce Burke, Joe Dryden, Jim Ford, Regis Harrington, Owen Holland, Todd Ryan Jones, Jeffery Kincannon, Tony Lazzara, Benjamin Lott, Sabrina Lott, Jalil Jay Lynch, Kristi Lynn, Ian Mclaughlin, Jason Mello, Samuel J. Paul, Mark Pettograsso, Allan Poppleton, Drew Reade, Rich Rutherford, Robbie P Smith, Alistair Whitton, Mark Wickham |
Camera and Electrical Department | Tyler Allison, Joseph Battista, Paul Birk, Robert Bullard, James M. Cox, Brian C. Doyle, Tim Dunbar, Brian Dwiggins, Geoff Eads, Dean Egan, Jason Ellson, Eric Engler, Bill Flanagan, Claire Folger, Daniel C. Gold, Jesse Goldberg, Kurt Grossi, Quinn Grove, Mike Henry, Jose Flecha Hernandez, Christian J. Hollyer, Benjamin Tyler Knight, Robert Knowles, Jonathan Kobs, Eric Komar, Tom Mariano, Joe McLeish, Jack McPhee, Brandon J. Meadows, James R. Mitchell, Frank Montesanto, A. Kyo Moon, Mike Moyer, Phil Nason, Michael Nelson, Chris Nickerson, Brian O Connor, Toshadeva Palani, Adam Peabody, Brad Peterman, Michael Peterson, Brian A. Pitts, Josh Pressey, Dave Provenzano, Brad Rea, Michael E. Reynolds, Kenny Rivenbark, David M. Rogers, Chuck Rudolph, David Rudolph, Chris Ryerson, Mikey Sheehan, Zack Shultz, Tim Sweeney, Darrell Temple, Aaron Tyburski, Justin Wells, Greg Wimer, Fred Young, Lee Ayrton, Paul Jacob Bashour, Rick Beausoleil, Jason Cortazzo, Geoff Dann, Louie DeMarco, Thomas DeRose, Jason Ellson, Kevin Gentry, Michael Geoghegan, Matt Hedges, Brian Heller, Chris Kieffer, Zachary K. Lazar, Michael Martino, BJ McDonnell, Donald McIntosh, Gary M. Olitsky, Harry Pray IV, Lance Rieck, Ernest Rydberg, Jim Shelton, Jeff Tanger, Richelle Topping, Omar A. Torres, Kevin Wilson |
Casting Department | Ranjani Brow, Jerry Dwyer Jr., Aaron Kahl, Ashley Lambert, Beth Lipari, Amber Wakefield |
Costume and Wardrobe Department | Wayne Allen, Jasmine Bautista, Margaret Codola, Beau Desmond, Riley Fearon, Debbie Holbrook, Christine Jordan, Robert Mata, Aimee McCue, Honah Lee Milne, Muto-Little, Deborah Newhall, Andrew Poleszak, Sarah Hill Richmond, Senna Shanti, Gianna Soprano, Jennifer Lynn Tremblay, Tina Ulee, Kasey Bazil Young, Daniela Kurrle |
Editorial Department | Samantha Babcock, Wendy Chesebrough Lowe, Jeff Halsey, David Raymond, Jon Rocke, Pamela Scott-Farr, Kostas Theodosiou, Amanda Faughn |
Location Management | Ryan B Cook, Jeremy Fiske, Jason Fritz, Amy Elizabeth Harmon, Jimmy Luc, Brinton MacFarland, Anamaria Nicosia, Joe Piasecki, Benjamin Stoll, Caleb Hinshaw, Constance Nava |
Music Department | Mark Adams, Eun-Mee Ahn, Erik Arvinder, Michael Bahnmiller, Sean Barrett, Kim Baum, Jonathan Beard, Jacob Braun, Laura Brenes, Rob Brophy, Daniel A. Brown, Tom Brown, Eric Byers, John W. Chapman, Zach Dellinger, Brian Dembow, Antonio Di Iorio, George Doering, Jessica Dolinger, Bruce Dukov, Candy Emberley, Steve Erdody, Luke Flynn, Chris Fogel, Dan Fornero, Matthew Funes, Julie Gigante, Kevin Globerman, Craig Gosnell, Mark Graham, Darrell Hall, Tamara Hatwan, Paul S. Henning, Gabe Hilfer, The Hollywood Studio Symphony, Riley Hughes, Alex Iles, Benjamin Jaber, Brian Kilgore, Songa Lee, Natalie Leggett, Jon Lewis, Artyom Manukyan, Serena McKinney, Ed Meares, Zac Rae, Teag Reaves, Bill Reichenbach, Mark Robertson, Peter Rotter, Andrew Rowan, Naomi Sato, Rob Schaer, Joseph Shirley, Tereza Stanislav, Ray Suen, Michael Valerio, Ronald J. Webb, Henri Wilkinson, Gina Zimmitti, Edward Trybek |
Script and Continuity Department | Kelly Cronin |
Transportation Department | Billy Benner, Jon Campagna, James Divito, Kenney Dorcely, Karl carlo Green, Michael Gwynn, David Kenney, Steve Lewis, Chris Luciano, Davin Olson, Robert Bob Rice Sr., Robby Wright |
Additional Crew | Eric Altieri, Thoma Anas, Joel Arsenault, John Aufiero, Joseph Aviel, Sara Bartkiewicz, Anna Basso, Risa Uchida Battis, Matthew Beltz, Kimberly Booker, Josef Boreland, Wayne Brown, John W. Burke, Bridgett Buss, Tj Ciarametaro, Michael Cole, Jeffrey Corazzini, Ted M. Davila, Steven P. DeCoste Jr., Austin Demers, Rebecca DiFillippo, Brendan Doherty, Joseph E. Doyle, Jennifer Driscoll, Timothy DuBois, Ryan Eatherton, Denise Faye, Chase Fein, David Fencl, Benjamin Fertig, Rosie Fine, Nadisha Foster, Laura J. Fox, Ran Francke, Sam Gillis, Peter Goben, Dennise Gonzalez, Ray Gordon II, Jake Green, Tina Haveles, Samuel K. Hayes, Ashley Hillis, Guy Holt, Katie Jackson, Meghan Kelly, Nathan Alexander Kirk, Leslie Liao, Harlem Logan, James MacDonald, Chris Malenfant, Erika McGowan, David Melito, Samantha Miller, David Moore, Zoe Morgan Chiswick, Justin Moss, Jennie Myers, Casey Neumeier, Michael Peavey, Jessica Pennington, Herb Polack, Michael Potter, Leah Procito, Casey Regan, Tony Scelsi, Mark Scott, Gregory Seymore, Jamieson Shea, Katherine Silva, Deborah Simmrin, Jay Street, Charles A. Tamburro, Jillian Taylor, Ty Taylor, Adam Teper, Alessia Tranfaglia, Greg Tresan, Courtney Tunney, Oyvind Vataker, Zoe Vatekeh, Eoin Walsh, Ryan Whitcomb, Lynn Witty, Sean Yopchick, Benjamin Zalusky, Michael Zussman, Ashley Albrecht, Robert Perry Bierman, Jay Busch, Shasta Ford, Jonathan Foust, Ray Gordon II, Elizabeth Guiberteau, Sean Martin, William McClure, Bobby Thompson, Darryl Wooten |
Genres | Action, Comedy, Crime |
Companies | New Line Cinema, Universal Pictures, RatPac-Dune Entertainment |
Countries | USA, China |
Languages | English |
ContentRating | PG-13 |
ImDbRating | 6.3 |
ImDb Rating Votes | 189353 |
Metacritic Rating | 52 |
Short Description |
Central Intelligence is a 2016 American buddy action comedy film directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber and written by Thurber, Ike Barinholtz and David Stassen. The film stars Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson as two old high school classmates who go on the run after one of them joins the CIA to save the world from a terrorist who intends to sell satellite codes. The film premiered in Los Angeles on June 10, 2016, and was theatrically released in the United States on June 17, 2016. Central Intelligence received praise from critics for Hart and Johnson s performances but criticism for the script, and grossed $217 million worldwide against its $50 million budget. |
Box Office Budget | $50,000,000 (estimated) |
Box Office Opening Weekend USA | $35,535,250 |
Box Office Gross USA | $127,440,871 |
Box Office Cumulative Worldwide Gross | $216,972,543 |
Keywords | Profanity,high school,rogue agent,accountant,facebook |
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