
  • Seller refers to the website owner of
  • Buyer refers to the person or organization placing the order.
  • Goods or services refers to the product(s) for which the buyer has placed an order for with the seller.


Any complaints about items or the seller should be submitted to our support team. Please email at Customer service is our number 1 top priority, but here is no guarantee of a resolution. Each case will be looked at individually and the seller will be in contact.

We accept the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • American Express

Shipping Policies

Shipping will be paid by the buyer at the time of purchase unless free shipping offered. The seller will take all reasonable steps to ensure the protection from loss, damage or destruction of the services or materials it supplies the buyer. If an item is lost during shipping, the seller will ship a new item to the buyer or contact the buyer. Shipping costs may increase on rush orders and special orders. If an item is damaged during shipping, seller will be responsible for replacement and shipping costs.

Refund/Return Policy

If the buyer purchased wrong item, don’t like it or don’t need it any more, the buyer can choose to return for refund. The buyer must contact the seller by email before returning the item.  Round trip shipping charges incurred for returned merchandise is the responsibility of the buyer unless the wrong item was sent or the item was damaged. In this event seller will email a prepaid shipping label to seller which buyer may use to return the item.

[More detailed information on our return policy.]


The seller will try their best to ship out the order as soon as possible. So to cancel an order after payment, the buyer must contact the seller within 48 hours of the date of order. 


Any complaints about items or the seller should be submitted to our support team. Please email at Customer service is our number 1 top priority, but here is no guarantee of a resolution. Each case will be looked at individually and the seller will be in contact.


The seller is not responsible for any health or safety concerns once the buyer has received the goods or services. If any harm is incurred from the items purchased by the buyer, the seller shares no responsibility.

These billing terms and conditions are subject to change. Your use of this website and placement of an order indicates you are in agreement with these billing terms and conditions.